Application Version - e.g., OJS Description of issue: Hi one of our editors approached us - whenever he sends out a review request email the default response due date seems to be mixed up with the default Review Due date .i.e. the review is due before the response confirming you’ll do the email! Refer attachment - is there a simple way to fix this in this version? Steps you took leading up to the issue - I have checked the forum but haven’t found an answer (possibly one but it is in German which I don’t peak)
What you tried to resolve the issue- I have tried exploring settings in OJS to find an easy fix but to no avail.
Thank @asmecher I actually solved the problem myself (which was a problem on our end) and thought I’d share it in case someone else experiences it. I checked on the test installation we have set up for the same journal and found the problem replicated here. I then checked all the other journals we have on and found them to be fine - no issues. I compared the review settings pages for the journals and our problem journal had one difference - the editor hadn’t filled out the field Weeks allowed to accept or decline a review request I added 1 week and it works!
Thank you for your help in getting me to check other instances,