Hello, we have updated the OJS platform from the version to and we have a problem with the crossref puglin page, where we get this: ##plugins.importexport.crossref.manageDOIs##, instead of the exporting articles options.
This is the appearance of the page, which doesn’t allow us to do export work:
A number of new phrases were introduced in the latest changes to the CrossRef plugin. These have not yet been translated into Spanish. Would you be interested and able to perform that translation from English to Spanish?
Hello, and thanks for your answer. We’re very interested in solve this problem. Is it the traslation the main problem here?
Could you please give more details about it? Thanks a lot!
Yes, the translation is missing. @marc was involved in translating OJS 2 into Spanish, but I guess their focus is on OJS 3 now. Since this is something in the backend of OJS, one easy workaround would be to enable English for the backend and use the Crossref plugin in English. If you want to contribute to the translation, please talk to @marc and me.
Any contribution to the es_ES and ca_ES translations need to follow the glossary and the translation guide. Otherwise, work will need to be re-translated.
As @mtub said we are now focused in OJS 3.x (btw Marco, we just finish es_ES last week and now we are working on ca_ES v.3.x) but if only a few chains are missing, we can do the job now.
@CJSop, apart from DOI plugin chains… are you missing something else?
Hello! Thank you all for your help. We’re checking out if we’re missing something else. So, is it necessary to add or change which exactly phrases? Where we can consult the traslation guide?Thank you for your time guys, Greetings!
During the last years we have been working with different translation models: amateur contributions, multiple professional translators… and the one that works better is a single professional translator (native in the destination language) that works daily with OJS.
I’m really happy we found this person because the quality of our translations (consistency, grammar, orthographic…) jumped to a new level.
So thanks a lot to point the missing chains. We are also open to suggestions and discussions about the right terms and expressions. I just hope you will understand why I don’t like to mix the work done by this specialist with the amateur work done by others (even myself ).
If main concern is the DOI plugin I can ask him to do the job this week and send the PR to PKP. If you find much more missing chains, we will need to plan.
Merged into both ojs-dev-2_4 and 'ojs-stable-2_4_8`. @CJSop, you could just pull the changed file and use them in your installation if you don’t want to run any other updates right now.
Thanks, @mtub, @marc, jordi, you’re such a great team and it’s great to have your concern.
For now this solve all our problems. We’ll see you later, congrats!