Publicações OMP

Good evening,

Referring to the publications made in omp where I can download the files that have been attached ? Thank you

I found in some research , it seems desirable to set manual payment, has a document that helps to do that?

Hi @Diego.martins932,

Could you describe how far you’ve gotten through the workflow? The Production area of the OMP User Guide might be useful:

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

I made the submission of a monograph in PDF format with a user with Author
permission , then was held publication in the catalog starting from a user
publishing manager. Here’s how was the publication : In this case
appears the option to share and also the synopsis , but I get no option to

Hi @Diego.martins932,

On the Production stage, make sure you’ve created a Publication Format, uploaded at least one file into it, and approved it.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

In the choice box of publication format , is there no option , where can I
set up?

Hi @Diego.martins932,

I’m not sure what you mean; can you post a screenshot?

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

The following error. I’ve already set the local tool also persists the error.

Hi @Diego.martins932,

Your server is probably missing the XSL library (most likely you need to add it in your php.ini, potentially installing a package first). Alternately, you can configure external XSL tools in your

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team