Public Usage Statistics in OJS 3.0.2


We have just upgraded to ojs 3.0.2. In OJS 2 there was a public facing link to journal usage statistics for each journal, which many of our journal teams liked (as a way of demonstrating impact).

In OJS 3.0.2 usage statistics are only accessible via the back-end when logged in as an JM/editor. Beyond creating a new static and custom page for each journal - it would be helpful to have an option to display a public view page as per OJS 2 of article level usage stats?

Hi @Rosarie_Coughlan

What link to journal usage statistics exactly do you mean? Do you mean the one you could find in OJS 2 under journal management > stats & reports and that would be displayed on the journal about page? Or do you mean the UsageStatistics plugin?
The second one is still available in OJS 3. I am not sure if the first one is planned to be displayed as well… – I will check…
