OJS 3: Add menu items to top navigation bar

For me it is hard to believe that the developers have done such a great job but missed out something crucial as this. Do you think its is possible to develop a MENU PLUGIN for OJS 3?

I managed to create multiple menu items, as

  1. “\locale\en_US\local.xml” add something like this below all codes before closing </locale>. This need to be added one for each menu and in all languages supported by the journal

    Editorial Board
    Associate Editors

“\templates\frontend\components\primaryNavMenu.tpl” add something like before before the last close listing . We need to create one like this for each Menu Items

<li><a href="{url router=$smarty.const.ROUTE_PAGE page="EditorialBoard"}">
{translate key="extra.menu.item1"}
<li><a href="{url router=$smarty.const.ROUTE_PAGE page="AssociateEditors"}">
{translate key="extra.menu.item1"}

The page=“AssociateEditors” the PATH name of the created static page.

I also realised that you can add pages as sub section of ABOUT menu as, but it will display it like http://ojs.dotaca.com/index.php/KJSC/index

	<a href="{url router=$smarty.const.ROUTE_PAGE page="about" page="EditorialBoard"}">
		{translate key="about.EditorialBoard"}
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