OCS language problem

Hi @PiccolaImpresa,

Same cause, just a different locale string. That one should also be in lib/pkp/locale/it_IT/submission.xml. You can look at lib/pkp/locale/en_US/submission.xml (the English locale file) as an example.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

I have tried but I am not able to delete the label circled in red
Please, How can I delete it ?
Thank you so much

Hi @PiccolaImpresa,

For all of these, you will need to find out which English (en_US) XML file the key is in, then make sure it’s in the corresponding Italian (it_IT) file. On my system, I use the standard UNIX find tool; on Windows or MacOSX, there should be a system tool permitting you to search within files.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

But if I am not able to find the key in innumerable files, Could I create a key “author.submit.submissionscitations”?
In which fiile exactly ?

Hi @PiccolaImpresa,

I guarantee the key will appear in one of the en_US files – but make sure you type it exactly. It’s author.submit.submissionCitations, not author.submit.submissionscitations (submission singular, and capital C).

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

I’m expiriencing similar problem. Some words are not translated and not active. In this case in Brasilian Portuguese is missing “Make a new submission or view your pending submissions.”:

When in English version:

Can you please advise me what should I add/edit in locale/pt_BR/submission.xml to fix the problem?

Hi @Mila_Simakova,

This thread is about OCS, and it looks like you’re asking about OMP or OJS. Could you post your question as a new topic, and include the version number?

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Sorry, My mistake, the problem is in OJS.
I’ve created a new question: OJS 3.02 Language problem