Custom blocks not shown in Plugin list in OJS 3.0.1

Hi @dijana,

For the moment, the quickest thing to do is to edit the block name in the database.

First, find the customblockmanagerplugin entries in plugin_settings:

select * from plugin_settings where plugin_name='customblockmanagerplugin';

You’ll get a result like…

| plugin_name              | context_id | setting_name | setting_value            | setting_type |
| customblockmanagerplugin |          1 | blocks       | a:1:{i:0;s:7:"one two";} | object       |
| customblockmanagerplugin |          1 | enabled      | 1                        | bool         |

This block’s name is “one two”, and the space is the problem. Edit the entry to replace the space with an underscore (_). (Be careful not to change the length of the name! That 7 in the setting value is the expected string length and PHP will get confused if you modify it.)

Then you’ll need to make the same change to that plugin’s own settings:

select * from plugin_settings where plugin_name='one two';

…will give…

| plugin_name | context_id | setting_name | setting_value                             | setting_type |
| one two     |          1 | blockContent | a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:15:"<p>asdfadsf</p>";} | object       |
| one two     |          1 | context      | 1                                         | int          |
| one two     |          1 | enabled      | 1                                         | bool         |

Once again, change one two to one_two.

You may have to flush your data cache before the changes will take effect.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team