Can't view XML file in OJS 3.0

For all interested in why JATS XML viewer in loading internal by Lens Viewer.

It is happens mostly because lines like this in lens.js:
this.test = function(xmlDoc, documentUrl) { var publisherName = xmlDoc.querySelector("publisher-name").textContent; return publisherName === "eLife Sciences Publications, Ltd"; };
(lines 5086-5089)
First Lens Viewer checks the content of several tags in JATS XML, like “publisher-name” for example.
An than, if they are not containing specific for elifesciences information, Lens stops the conversion.

this.convertDocument = function(data) {
    var doc;
    var i = 0;
    while (!doc && i < this.converters.length) {
      var converter = this.converters[i];
      // First match will be used as the converter
      if (converter.test(data, this.config.document_url)) {
        doc = converter.import(data);
      i += 1;

    if (!doc) {
      throw new Error("No suitable converter found for this document", data);

    return doc;

New version of Lens Viewer don’t have these problems: Releases · elifesciences/lens · GitHub

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